
ICTUSnet aims to improve the quality of stroke healthcare, by promoting collaboration in R&D, fostering mutual learning and promoting innovation in stroke care strategies in the Southwest regions of EU. The means to achieve this will be the incorporation of new technologies for data analysis and the creation of a permanent network to provide all actors involved in the stroke healthcare chain, with the opportunity to share information, lessons learned and good practices.

ICTUSnet project has three specific objectives:

  1. Big data: Use of innovative big data technologies available to extract and analyse information and explore new perspectives on stroke care strategies.
  2. Strategy: Deep analysis of collected information and stroke care strategies on patients, with attention to the different health and profile characteristics. Study, agree and plan measures to enhance effectivity in stroke care strategies on severe stage and post-evaluation procedures, to reduce impact on stroke consequences.
  3. International collaboration: Foster international and regional cooperation by exchanging good practices, peer learning and implementing a common advanced training programme.