ICTUSnet is pleased to provide you with the recording of the thematic online workshop on “INNOVATIVE USES OF REAL WORLD DATA ON STROKE”, which took place on the 25th of February, presented by Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS),with expertise on Knowledge transfer and Research, Development and Innovation, and Barcelona Supercomputing Center – Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS), specialized in high performance computing (HPC) and managers of MareNostrum, the most powerful supercomputer in Spain, and the 3rd in Europe.
Part 01-Introduction – Enrique Bernal:
Part 02-Re-use of Real World Data – Enrique Bernal:
Part 03-Machine learning algorithms for Natural Language Processing in stroke discharge reports methodology – Marta Villegas:
Part04-Process mining methodology for Care Pathways analysis in acute stroke – Juan González: