¡Únete al primer evento de difusión de ICTUSnet!

[texto en inglés] On the 8th of October the first ICTUSnet dissemination meeting will take place online. The objective of this meeting is to present the specific objectives, the experience of each beneficiary and also the preliminary results of the ICTUSnet project. It will be an open day for health professionals, research centres, technology companies and patient associations. If you are interested in joining us, please follow this link to register.

Reunión anual de SVIN 2019

[en inglés] Focus on advances in stroke care worldwide The Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology (SVIN) is committed to improving stroke prevention strategies as well as expanding access to the most impactful and modern acute stroke treatments to patients worldwide. Stroke and interventional neurologists who are members of SVIN continue to work collaboratively with interventional neuro-radiologists and endovascular neurosurgeons to achieve better outcomes for stroke patients.

Día Mundial del Ictus

[ en  inglés ]  Initiatives that make a difference: Inform – Prevent. World Stroke Day falls on the 29th of October each year. It has been marked as a day of global action and awareness of stroke and its burden on millions of people worldwide, directly or indirectly affected. It is also the perfect day to focus on campaigns that aim to have an impact by influencing policies towards a further improvement of the stroke care system. Many regions across Europe have joined the cause by organizing events to raise awareness on stroke. In Spain, informative events and initiatives took place in Catalonia, Community of Madrid, Seville, Navarra and Valencia.

Pamplona celebra una formación específica sobre decisiones y manejo de la fase aguda del ictus para profesionales de Navarra y La Rioja

El miércoles, 5 de junio, el Colegio de Médicos de Navarra acogió la formación especializada “Toma de decisiones y manejo de la fase aguda del ictus”, organizado por el Departamento de Salud del Gobierno de Navarra, en colaboración con la iniciativa Angels, y liderado por la Dra. Nuria Aymerich, coordinadora de la Unidad de Ictus del Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra (CHN).

ICTUSnet en la 5ª Conferencia de la Organización Europea del Accidente Cerebrovascular (ESOC)

The ICTUSnet project was presented in the 5th European Stroke Organization Conference (ESOC) that took place in Milan (Italy) on May 22-24 2019. Members of the ICTUSnet network exposed the objectives, methods, results and expectations of the project during an e-Poster session. ESOC is the premier European forum for stroke research and rapidly becoming the world’s foremost platform for the release of major trial data.